Инструкция взлома - Это пособия для безопасности!


Hash Profit

Хочешь получить WMR бонус? Вот несколько рабочих WMR бонус программ, которые раздают бонусы за посещение их сайтов по 0.77 р., мало но каждый день что стоит кликать на кнопку и получать свой бонус, сколько накапает к примеру за месяц, за год?
1 клик 1 wmr

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Отправка писем с вложениями[PHP]

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define("LIBR", "\r\n"); // use a "\n" if you have problems 

class attach_mailer { 
   var $from_name; 
   var $from_mail; 
   var $mail_to; 
   var $mail_cc; 
   var $mail_bcc; 
   var $mail_headers; 
   var $mail_subject; 
   var $mail_body = ""; 
   var $valid_mail_adresses; // boolean is true if all mail(to) adresses are valid 
   var $uid; // the unique value for the mail boundry 
   var $mail_priority = 3; // 3 = normal, 2 = high, 4 = low 
   var $att_files = array(); 
   var $msg = array(); 
   // functions inside this constructor 
   // - validation of e-mail adresses 
   // - setting mail variables 
   // - setting boolean $valid_mail_adresses 
   function attach_mailer($name = "", $from, $to, $cc = "", $bcc = "", $subject = "", $body = "") { 
       $this->valid_mail_adresses = true; 
       if (!$this->check_mail_address($to)) { 
           $this->msg[] = "Error, the \"mailto\" address is empty or not valid."; 
           $this->valid_mail_adresses = false; 
       if (!$this->check_mail_address($from)) { 
           $this->msg[] = "Error, the \"from\" address is empty or not valid."; 
           $this->valid_mail_adresses = false; 
       if ($cc != "") { 
           if (!$this->check_mail_address($cc)) { 
               $this->msg[] = "Error, the \"Cc\" address is not valid."; 
               $this->valid_mail_adresses = false; 
       if ($bcc != "") { 
           if (!$this->check_mail_address($bcc)) { 
               $this->msg[] = "Error, the \"Bcc\" address is not valid."; 
               $this->valid_mail_adresses = false; 
       if ($this->valid_mail_adresses) { 
           $this->from_name = $this->strip_line_breaks($name); 
           $this->from_mail = $this->strip_line_breaks($from); 
           $this->mail_to = $this->strip_line_breaks($to); 
           $this->mail_cc = $this->strip_line_breaks($cc); 
           $this->mail_bcc = $this->strip_line_breaks($bcc); 
           $this->mail_subject = $this->strip_line_breaks($subject); 
           $this->mail_body = $this->create_msg_body($body); 
           $this->mail_headers = $this->create_mail_headers(); 
       } else { 
   function get_msg_str() { 
       $messages = ""; 
       foreach($this->msg as $val) { 
           $messages .= $val."<br>\n"; 
       return $messages;             
   // use this to prent formmail spamming 
   function strip_line_breaks($val) { 
       $val = preg_replace("/([\r\n])/", "", $val); 
       return $val; 
   function check_mail_address($mail_address) { 
       $pattern = "/^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]*[0-9a-z]\.)+([a-z]{2,4})$/i"; 
       if (preg_match($pattern, $mail_address)) { 
           if (function_exists("checkdnsrr")) { 
               $parts = explode("@", $mail_address); 
               if (checkdnsrr($parts[1], "MX")){ 
                   return true; 
               } else { 
                   return false; 
           } else { 
               // on windows hosts is only a limited e-mail address validation possible 
               return true; 
       } else { 
           return false; 
   function create_mime_boundry() { 
       $this->uid = "_".md5(uniqid(time())); 
   function get_file_data($filepath) { 
       if (file_exists($filepath)) { 
           if (!$str = file_get_contents($filepath)) { 
               $this->msg[] = "Error while opening attachment \"".basename($filepath)."\""; 
           } else { 
               return $str; 
       } else { 
           $this->msg[] = "Error, the file \"".basename($filepath)."\" does not exist."; 
   // remember "LIBR" is the line break defined in constact above 
   function create_msg_body($mail_msg, $cont_tranf_enc = "7bit", $type = "text/plain", $enc = "iso-8859-1") { 
       $str = "--".$this->uid.LIBR; 
       $str .= "Content-type:".$type."; charset=".$enc.LIBR; 
       $str .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ".$cont_tranf_enc.LIBR.LIBR; 
       $str .= trim($mail_msg).LIBR.LIBR; 
       return $str; 
   function create_mail_headers() { 
       if ($this->from_name != "") { 
           $headers = "From: ".$this->from_name." <".$this->from_mail.">".LIBR; 
           $headers .= "Reply-To: ".$this->from_name." <".$this->from_mail.">".LIBR; 
       } else { 
           $headers = "From: ".$this->from_mail.LIBR; 
           $headers .= "Reply-To: ".$this->from_mail.LIBR; 
       if ($this->mail_cc != "") $headers .= "Cc: ".$this->mail_cc.LIBR; 
       if ($this->mail_bcc != "") $headers .= "Bcc: ".$this->mail_bcc.LIBR; 
       $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0".LIBR; 
       $headers .= "X-Mailer: Attachment Mailer ver. 1.0".LIBR; 
       $headers .= "X-Priority: ".$this->mail_priority.LIBR; 
       $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;".LIBR.chr(9)." boundary=\"".$this->uid."\"".LIBR.LIBR; 
       $headers .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.".LIBR.LIBR; 
       return $headers; 
   // use for $dispo "attachment" or "inline" (f.e. example images inside a html mail 
   function create_attachment_part($file, $dispo = "attachment") { 
       if (!$this->valid_mail_adresses) return; 
       $file_str = $this->get_file_data($file); 
       if ($file_str == "") { 
       } else { 
           $filename = basename($file); 
           $file_type = mime_content_type($file); 
           $chunks = chunk_split(base64_encode($file_str)); 
           $mail_part = "--".$this->uid.LIBR; 
           $mail_part .= "Content-type:".$file_type.";".LIBR.chr(9)." name=\"".$filename."\"".LIBR; 
           $mail_part .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64".LIBR; 
           $mail_part .= "Content-Disposition: ".$dispo.";".chr(9)."filename=\"".$filename."\"".LIBR.LIBR; 
           $mail_part .= $chunks; 
           $mail_part .= LIBR.LIBR; 
           $this->att_files[] = $mail_part; 
   function process_mail() { 
       if (!$this->valid_mail_adresses) return; 
       $mail_message = $this->mail_body; 
       if (count($this->att_files) > 0) { 
           foreach ($this->att_files as $val) { 
               $mail_message .= $val; 
           $mail_message .= "--".$this->uid."--"; 
       if (mail($this->mail_to, $this->mail_subject, $mail_message, $this->mail_headers)) { 
           $this->msg[] = "Your mail is succesfully submitted."; 
       } else { 
           $this->msg[] = "Error while sending you mail."; 



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