<?php define("LIBR", "\r\n"); // use a "\n" if you have problems class attach_mailer { var $from_name; var $from_mail; var $mail_to; var $mail_cc; var $mail_bcc; var $mail_headers; var $mail_subject; var $mail_body = ""; var $valid_mail_adresses; // boolean is true if all mail(to) adresses are valid var $uid; // the unique value for the mail boundry var $mail_priority = 3; // 3 = normal, 2 = high, 4 = low var $att_files = array(); var $msg = array(); // functions inside this constructor // - validation of e-mail adresses // - setting mail variables // - setting boolean $valid_mail_adresses function attach_mailer($name = "", $from, $to, $cc = "", $bcc = "", $subject = "", $body = "") { $this->valid_mail_adresses = true; if (!$this->check_mail_address($to)) { $this->msg[] = "Error, the \"mailto\" address is empty or not valid."; $this->valid_mail_adresses = false; } if (!$this->check_mail_address($from)) { $this->msg[] = "Error, the \"from\" address is empty or not valid."; $this->valid_mail_adresses = false; } if ($cc != "") { if (!$this->check_mail_address($cc)) { $this->msg[] = "Error, the \"Cc\" address is not valid."; $this->valid_mail_adresses = false; } } if ($bcc != "") { if (!$this->check_mail_address($bcc)) { $this->msg[] = "Error, the \"Bcc\" address is not valid."; $this->valid_mail_adresses = false; } } if ($this->valid_mail_adresses) { $this->from_name = $this->strip_line_breaks($name); $this->from_mail = $this->strip_line_breaks($from); $this->mail_to = $this->strip_line_breaks($to); $this->mail_cc = $this->strip_line_breaks($cc); $this->mail_bcc = $this->strip_line_breaks($bcc); $this->mail_subject = $this->strip_line_breaks($subject); $this->create_mime_boundry(); $this->mail_body = $this->create_msg_body($body); $this->mail_headers = $this->create_mail_headers(); } else { return; } } function get_msg_str() { $messages = ""; foreach($this->msg as $val) { $messages .= $val."<br>\n"; } return $messages; } // use this to prent formmail spamming function strip_line_breaks($val) { $val = preg_replace("/([\r\n])/", "", $val); return $val; } function check_mail_address($mail_address) { $pattern = "/^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]*[0-9a-z]\.)+([a-z]{2,4})$/i"; if (preg_match($pattern, $mail_address)) { if (function_exists("checkdnsrr")) { $parts = explode("@", $mail_address); if (checkdnsrr($parts[1], "MX")){ return true; } else { return false; } } else { // on windows hosts is only a limited e-mail address validation possible return true; } } else { return false; } } function create_mime_boundry() { $this->uid = "_".md5(uniqid(time())); } function get_file_data($filepath) { if (file_exists($filepath)) { if (!$str = file_get_contents($filepath)) { $this->msg[] = "Error while opening attachment \"".basename($filepath)."\""; } else { return $str; } } else { $this->msg[] = "Error, the file \"".basename($filepath)."\" does not exist."; return; } } // remember "LIBR" is the line break defined in constact above function create_msg_body($mail_msg, $cont_tranf_enc = "7bit", $type = "text/plain", $enc = "iso-8859-1") { $str = "--".$this->uid.LIBR; $str .= "Content-type:".$type."; charset=".$enc.LIBR; $str .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ".$cont_tranf_enc.LIBR.LIBR; $str .= trim($mail_msg).LIBR.LIBR; return $str; } function create_mail_headers() { if ($this->from_name != "") { $headers = "From: ".$this->from_name." <".$this->from_mail.">".LIBR; $headers .= "Reply-To: ".$this->from_name." <".$this->from_mail.">".LIBR; } else { $headers = "From: ".$this->from_mail.LIBR; $headers .= "Reply-To: ".$this->from_mail.LIBR; } if ($this->mail_cc != "") $headers .= "Cc: ".$this->mail_cc.LIBR; if ($this->mail_bcc != "") $headers .= "Bcc: ".$this->mail_bcc.LIBR; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0".LIBR; $headers .= "X-Mailer: Attachment Mailer ver. 1.0".LIBR; $headers .= "X-Priority: ".$this->mail_priority.LIBR; $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;".LIBR.chr(9)." boundary=\"".$this->uid."\"".LIBR.LIBR; $headers .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.".LIBR.LIBR; return $headers; } // use for $dispo "attachment" or "inline" (f.e. example images inside a html mail function create_attachment_part($file, $dispo = "attachment") { if (!$this->valid_mail_adresses) return; $file_str = $this->get_file_data($file); if ($file_str == "") { return; } else { $filename = basename($file); $file_type = mime_content_type($file); $chunks = chunk_split(base64_encode($file_str)); $mail_part = "--".$this->uid.LIBR; $mail_part .= "Content-type:".$file_type.";".LIBR.chr(9)." name=\"".$filename."\"".LIBR; $mail_part .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64".LIBR; $mail_part .= "Content-Disposition: ".$dispo.";".chr(9)."filename=\"".$filename."\"".LIBR.LIBR; $mail_part .= $chunks; $mail_part .= LIBR.LIBR; $this->att_files[] = $mail_part; } } function process_mail() { if (!$this->valid_mail_adresses) return; $mail_message = $this->mail_body; if (count($this->att_files) > 0) { foreach ($this->att_files as $val) { $mail_message .= $val; } $mail_message .= "--".$this->uid."--"; } if (mail($this->mail_to, $this->mail_subject, $mail_message, $this->mail_headers)) { $this->msg[] = "Your mail is succesfully submitted."; } else { $this->msg[] = "Error while sending you mail."; } } } ?>