/*         Md5 Hash Lookup v2        */
/*     Author: CAM-MAN-DAN     */
/*  Life is too short not to hack!  */
/*         Greetz: CipherCrew         */

/* Changelog                                                      */
/* V2:  -Corrected the html                               */
/*         -Now able to enter username:hash.     */
/*         -Changed the designe a little.              */
/*         -Selfsubmitting script.                        */

/* Setting the POST data to variables */
$option = $_POST['option'];
$hashs_submited = $_POST['hashs'];

if (isset($_POST['hashs']) == TRUE) {
   /* The form will be printed */
   echo " <html>\n";
   echo "         <head>\n";
   echo "            <title> Md5 Hash Lookup v1 </title>\n";
   echo "         </head>\n";
   echo "         <body bgcolor=\"#000000\">\n";
   echo "            <table border=\"0\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" width=\"300\" height=\"300\">\n";
   echo "               <tr width=\"300\" height=\"250\">\n";
   echo "                  <td align=\"left\">\n";
   echo "                     <font color=\"#0000CC\">\n";
   echo "                        <b>\n";
   echo "                           <center>\n";
   echo "                              - Md5 Hash Lookup v1 -<br>\n";
   echo "                           </center>\n";
   echo "                           <br>\n";
   echo "                           Enter your md5 hashs:\n";
   echo "                        </b>\n";
   echo "                     </font>\n";
   echo "                     <form method=\"post\" action=\"\">\n";
   echo "                        <textarea name=\"hashs\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"50\">" .$hashs_submited. "</textarea>\n";
   echo "                        <select name=\"option\">\n";
   echo "                           <option value =\"1\">Hash</option>\n";
   echo "                           <option value =\"2\">Username:hash</option>\n";
   echo "                        </select>\n";
   echo "                        <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\" />\n";
   echo "                     </form>\n";
   echo "                     <center>\n";
   echo "                        <font color=\"#0000CC\" size=\"2\">\n";
   echo "                           <b>\n";
   echo "                              <br>\n";
   echo "                              By C4M-M4N-D4N ?<br>\n";
   echo "                              <font color=\"#FF0000\" size=\"2\">\n";
   echo "                                 Life is too short not to hack!\n";
   echo "                              </font>\n";
   echo "                           </b>\n";
   echo "                        </font>\n";
   echo "                     </center>\n";
   echo "                  </td>\n";
   echo "               </tr>\n";
   echo "            </table>\n";
   echo "<br>\n";
   echo "<br>\n";
   echo "<hr width=\"50%\">\n";
   /* HASH only lookup */
   if ($option == 1) {
      /* Md5 hashs in array form */
      $md5_from_txt = $hashs_submited;
      $amount = str_word_count($md5_from_txt, "0", "1234567890");
      $h_a = "0";
      /* Word_counting $md5_from_txt, md5 hashs in txt format */
      $md5_counted = str_word_count($md5_from_txt, "1", "1234567890");
      /* echoing time */
      echo "<center><font color=\"white\">";
      echo date('H:i:s');
      echo "</font></center><br><br>";
      /* Sending query to site (GDATAONLINE.COM) */
      for ($i = 1; $i <= $amount; $i++) {   
         $data_from_site = file_get_contents("http://gdataonline.com/qkhash.php?mode=xml&hash=".$md5_counted[$h_a]);
         $data = str_word_count($data_from_site, "1", "1234567890");
         /* Starting IF success or not */
         if ($data[8] == "Success") {
            echo "<center><b><font color=\"#00CC00\">".$md5_counted[$h_a].":".$data[11]."</font></b></center>\n";
         } else {
            echo "<center><b><font color=\"#ff0000\">".$md5_counted[$h_a]."</font></b></center>\n";
      /* echoing time */
      echo "<br><center><font color=\"white\">";
      echo date('H:i:s');
      echo "</font></center><br><br>";
      /* HTML footer */
      echo "<br> End of lookup!";
      echo "</body>\n";
      echo "</html>\n";
   /* END of HASH only lookup */
   /* USERNAME:HASH lookup */
   if ($option == 2) {
      /* username:hashs in array form */
      $md5_from_txt = str_replace(" ", "", $hashs_submited);
      /* Counting the number of words */
      $amount = str_word_count($md5_from_txt, "0", "1234567890:-_@.~#[]{}");
      /* Arraying each word (user, hash) */
      $content = str_word_count($md5_from_txt, "1", "1234567890-_@.~#[]{}");
      /* setting default number */
      $username = "0";
      $hash = "1";
      /* echoing time */
      echo "<center><font color=\"white\">";
      echo date('H:i:s');
      echo "</font></center><br><br>";
      /* Sending query to site (GDATAONLINE.COM) */
      for ($i = 1; $i <= $amount; $i++) {   
         $data_from_site = file_get_contents("http://gdataonline.com/qkhash.php?mode=xml&hash=".$content[$hash]);
         $data = str_word_count($data_from_site, "1", "1234567890");
         /* Starting IF success or not */
         if ($data[8] == "Success") {
            echo "<center><b><font color=\"#00CC00\">".$content[$username].":".$content[$hash].":".$data[11]."</font></b></center>\n";
         } else {
            echo "<center><b><font color=\"#ff0000\">".$content[$username].":".$content[$hash]."</font></b></center>\n";
         $username = $username + 2;
         $hash = $hash + 2;
      /* echoing time */
      echo "<br><center><font color=\"white\">";
      echo date('H:i:s');
      echo "</font></center><br><br>";     
      /* HTML footer */
      echo "<br><center><b><font color=\"blue\">End of lookup.</font></b></center>\n";
      echo "</body>\n";
      echo "</html>\n";
   /* END of USERNAME:HASH lookup */

} else {

   $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
   echo " <html>\n";
   echo "         <head>\n";
   echo "            <title> Md5 Hash Lookup v1 </title>\n";
   echo "         </head>\n";
   echo "         <body bgcolor=\"#000000\">\n";
   echo "            <table border=\"0\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" width=\"300\" height=\"300\">\n";
   echo "               <tr width=\"300\" height=\"250\">\n";
   echo "                  <td align=\"left\">\n";
   echo "                     <font color=\"#0000CC\">\n";
   echo "                        <b>\n";
   echo "                           <center>\n";
   echo "                              - Md5 Hash Lookup v1 -<br>\n";
   echo "                           </center>\n";
   echo "                           <br>\n";
   echo "                           Enter your md5 hashs:\n";
   echo "                        </b>\n";
   echo "                     </font>\n";
   echo "                     <form method=\"post\" action=\"\">\n";
   echo "                        <textarea name=\"hashs\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"50\"></textarea>\n";
   echo "                        <select name=\"option\">\n";
   echo "                           <option value =\"1\">Hash</option>\n";
   echo "                           <option value =\"2\">Username:hash</option>\n";
   echo "                        </select>\n";   
   echo "                        <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\" />\n";
   echo "                     </form>\n";
   echo "                     <center>\n";
   echo "                        <font color=\"#0000CC\" size=\"2\">\n";
   echo "                           <b>\n";
   echo "                              <br>\n";
   echo "                              By C4M-M4N-D4N<br>\n";
   echo "                              <font color=\"#FF0000\" size=\"2\">\n";
   echo "                                 Life is too short not to hack!\n";
   echo "                              </font>\n";
   echo "                           </b>\n";
   echo "                        </font>\n";
   echo "                     </center>\n";
   echo "                  </td>\n";
   echo "               </tr>\n";
   echo "            </table>\n";
   echo "         </body>\n";
   echo " </html>\n";

